I heard the Jay Chou song, 青花瓷, today which is sheer poetry and after reading more about it, I really have to pay the highest respects to songwriter, 方文山 Vincent Fang, for writing a song that is so breathtakingly beautiful in its history and imagery.
This video for it has the Chinese lyrics, pin yin
and English translation, so do take a look.
The main refrain in the song - 天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳loosely translated as 'the shade of blue awaiting the downpour; just as I wait for you'
actually refers to the very specific colour of the porcelain, which can only be achieved with great difficulty. The kiln has to be heated to the perfect temperature, and the final day of glazing has to be on a rainy day for the colour to be achieved.
As the songwriter puts it (in Chinese on his blog), 'the changing of the weather is fluid and unpredictable, so who are we, as mere mortals to try grasping it and keeping it within our control? If we wish to see the pure colour of the porcelain stripped clean after the rain, then all we can do is wait patiently. And it's akin to my passive wait for you whose appearance I can't fathom when.'

Outdoor concerts always have a charm all their own.
Taiwanese indie band, Sodagreen, with their sweet melodies had us swaying along from side to side. And the lead singer's easy-going banter afforded a few chuckles.
One song I really like from them -

You know my bip-bopping days are over
I hung my boots up and then retired from the disco floor
Now the centre of my so called being is
The space between your bed and wardrobe with the louvre doors
- My Wandering Days Are Over,
Belle & Sebastian