Beautiful teacups my aunt got me from Japan, and in the background, 'Two Girls Fishing' by John Singer Sargent, recently back from the framemakers.
Yes, the world may aspire to vacuousness, lost souls mourn beauty, insignificance surrounds us. Then let us drink a cup of tea. Silence descends, one hears the wind outside, the autumn leaves rustle and take flight, the cat sleeps in a warm pool of light. And with each swallow, time is sublimed.
- The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Muriel Barbery

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Well, after the initial buzz has died down, it became strikingly clear to me that my duties at the new workplace are mundane, monotonous ones I will go crazy doing. Add to that a host of other existing faults within the company which basically killed off any remaining enthusiasm I had for the job. So, it is without much fanfare that I've decided to quit serfdom and embark on my original adventure as planned. So dear friends, I'll be in Australia yet again in December, and right into the new year. This time it's the Gold Coast I'm going, and yes it's summer break all over again!
I will be staying with my relatives in the house my aunt is house-sitting for a friend, and looking at the address my aunt forwarded to me, I can only say it's a fortuitous twist of fate, and of course, very very apt, that the house is located on...
Runaway Bay.
Does anyone other than me find this really funny?
I hate my job. I am running away to Runaway Bay, everyone.

I love the home of textile designer, Carolina Irving, featured in
Lonny magazine. For someone who was suffering such serious withdrawal symptoms since the demise of
domino, reading the online mag, which is basically
domino incarnate, was complete happiness. The pictures! The books! The mishmash of prints! I do literally gasp like that in front of the laptop as I slowly make my way through the magazine. And this one goes straight into my inspiration folder.